Here are the effects from the Black Panther and Valentine’s Day MagicBands

Here are the special effects made at entry touch points from the Limited Edition Black Panther and 2018 Valentine’s Day MagicBands.

Black Panther:

2018 Valentine’s Day (listen closely… Aladdin sings “I can show you the world.”):

About Ethan 1230 Articles
Creator of MagicBand Collectors (which is owned by EA Partners, LLC), it is my goal to catalog and archive the entire history of the Disney MagicBand. I don't work for Disney nor am I associated with them in any way, besides being a mega-fan and living 5 minutes from Walt Disney World. You can contact me at


  1. Does the black panther and the aladdin Valentine’s Day magicband work at all of the parks or are they specific? Fastpass touch points too?

  2. Any theory as to why the Valentine’s band’s special effects are so rare? Or why it’s only showing them at Epcot? It seems so random… has this ever happened before?

    • I’m not sure but this one seems more random. I am not sure if Disney does this on purpose or if it’s a technical problem. I’ve heard they want to make it a “random” surprise… but who knows why this band is harder. Unfortunately we may never get a 100% straight answer on this.

  3. Hello Ethan,

    Any idea if Disney is planning to release a magic band for the soon upcoming Flower and Garden Festival?

    Seems last year, that there was one announced before now???
    thank you

  4. So far epcot has been the only park (main entry) to have the effects for black panthers band, the other 3 have just been the normal green entry 🙁

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