Today, thanks to reader Steve Pearson, I finally have a video (with sound) of the special effects from the Magic Kingdom 45th Anniversary Railroad MagicBand. This band has been out for almost a year now, and this particular MagicBand has had a lot of trouble with the special effects working, but it looks like they are finally on properly! Take a look at the video below. The lights are of the train steam/smoke and a puffing sound.
Is this band still available in parks?
Fun question – Are there any special edition bands you do not have videos for? Maybe your followers could help round out the set.
There are two, both are Beauty and the Beast Limited Edition bands: https://www.magicbandcollectors.com/extras/fp-videos/
My mom and I both wore this band to the Magic Kingdom a week ago, and it worked for about half of our Fastpasses / Gate entrance.
Generally I’ll get effects at the Jungle Cruise, and Big Thunder Mountain, but nowhere else.
Got this last summer and no special effects in Oct..was a little bummed.nice band either way
Was pleasantly surprised when it worked a few days ago! I thought I had just missed the effect all the other times I used it. I knew I wasn’t crazy!
A belated thanks for following up on this!
I haven’t been to this site in a little while, so I’m catching up. 😉
I just did a trip, but didn’t focus on trying this band during my trip – I will now make sure to bring it and use it at MK next time!
Hmmm. In another thread here I saw a link to someone who posts these on YouTube, and interestingly, when I view her post for this band, it shows something that I think is even different form the above video. (I could be mistaken, but I think the differences are more than just the different environment around the readers – colors look different and sound seems more pronounced, at least to my ears)
I wonder if Disney has been evolving this one based on knowing it wasn’t working well (or at all) early in it’s life.
Anyone agree, or am I crazy to think thevideo here and the one in my link above are very much different?